From: Mick <[email protected]> Subject: Trail Angel List Message Body: I would like to be added to the trail Angel list for PCT in the Cajon/Wrightwood area.
Category Archives: California
Warner Springs, Idyllwild or Big Bear area
From: Michelle and John Bedard <[email protected]>
Subject: Trail angel PCT Message Body:
We have helped hikers 3 times even though we are in Temecula Ca. I picked up a lady from Germany and took her to the Urgent care, got her prescriptions, took her to a store to get some supplies. She stayed in our guest house for a night. I fed her dinner and breakfast then took her back to the trail. Had a young man I picked up twice. Took him to REI to get new boots, let him stay in our guest house 2 days took him back to the trail. Picked him up again and took him to our friends cabin in Big Bear. He stayed there a few days then went back to the trail. We offered our property for another person to park their motorcycle in our garage for a week this year. We can help in those kind of instances mostly in the Warner Springs, Idyllwild or Big Bear area.
PCT Hikers near Los Angeles We can offer emergency rides, airport rides, especially to Burbank airport, rides to doctors, hospital, outfitters, other trail angels or hotels, and general assistance / trail magic
From: Sara "Starchild" <[email protected]> Subject: Feel free to add me to the trail angel list. Message Body: I am a PCT thru-hiker & a JMT thru-hiker, with plans for many more future adventures. I currently live in the LA/Ventura County area of SoCal (near Chatsworth/Woodland Hills) with my fiance. We can offer emergency rides, airport rides, especially to Burbank airport, rides to doctors, hospital, outfitters, other trail angels or hotels, and general assistance / trail magic (vegan awesomeness) / plus water cache set-ups to thru & section hikers. I am also willing to help other LA/Ventura area trail angels with emergencies, however, I can't -currently- offer a place to stay. If you have an emergency anywhere from Wrightwood to Kennedy Meadows, give or take, send me an email or text, as I -may- be available to help you. In the summer, I may also be able to get you a ride as far as Tahoe or Truckee during certain times of certain months or at least get you a ride to public transit in the LA area. Any donations for gas on a longer ride are appreciated, but not expected. I am currently an artist, designer, future author, and college student (Fisheries & Wildlife). My fiancé is a guitar instructor. I know what it was like hiking the PCT and needing assistance in the middle of nowhere. Email: [email protected] --- Instagram: ---- Add on FB: See you out there.
Trail Angel in Lone Pine Ca. I have a property about 2.7 miles outside the town of Lone Pine
From: Reggie Cook <[email protected]> Subject: Trail Angel Message Body: I am a Trail Angel in Lone Pine Ca. I have a property about 2.7 miles outside the town of Lone Pine. I can offer large lawn areas for camping, outdoor sink for laundry, A solar shower is under construction and should be finished by 5/25.2019, A BBQ with a side burner is available for cooking, There is also an indoor toilet available. So far this year I have hosted the 3 guys from Finland, and the six guys from Honk Kong and about 12 others. I do not charge but donations are appreciated to help pay for propane. Reggie
PCT Hiker taxi for Walker pass Kennedy meadows Kelso valley and surrounding areas
From: Gary Welfl Subject: Rides Message Body: Hi I'm grizz i do the hiker taxi for Walker pass Kennedy meadows Kelso valley and surrounding areas. You can contact me at 760-264-5150 call for a ride at any hour . Have a grateful day and happy trails.
PCT Trail Angel in Idyllwild, Ca Covering Paradise Corners (Anza) to Humber Park
Name: Jeannine Stigall
Email: [email protected]
Message: My husband and I are long-term trail angels in Idyllwild. (“The General” and “MamaJeannine”). Could you amend my bio to include my husband? We’ve also started a local “Idyllwild Trail Angels” page on FaceBook. Please remove “accepting only female hikers” as we’ve gone coed. 😉 We also are accepting/mailing packages for hikers since our PO has limited weekend package hours. Also, if you could work in my cell number and that it’s best to text me that would be great. (951-256-0421)
Thank you! Jeannine
From: Jeannine Stigall Subject: Trail Angel in Idyllwild, Ca Message Body: We live in Idyllwild. Humber Park trail head is a couple miles up the road. I can pick up/drop off from both Humber Park and Paradise Corners in the Anza area. Can offer a hot shower, warm bed (2 guest rooms), and meals if you need a break. Have front loading washer/dryer able to launder sleeping bags. We have a large fenced back yard and can 'host' a campsite if you prefer (no fires.) Don't be shy if you have a specific need. We have a Queensland Heeler so please be dog friendly. text 951-256-0421
- or call 951-659-2426 Please leave message as we screen our calls.
Papa Smurf and Mountain Momma Trail Angel Hosts in Big Bear City
Steve (Papa Smurf) and Sandy (Mountain Momma) Teuschman – 840 East Angeles Blvd. Big Bear City, 92314 – Will Accept Packages – [email protected] – [email protected] From: Sandra Teutschman Subject: additional information Message Body: You need to add that we host hikers at our home. We pick up at almost all trail heads including mile 252, 266, 275 and Cougar Crest trail parking lot. We have a bunk room as well as a covered 10 X 20 shelter and cots. We have laundry, Wifi, Showers, loaner clothes, hearty meals, rides into town for shopping, and a fire pit. We accept packages and can be sent to our home, packages must include your name and that you are a pct hike and estimated time of arrival and our name Teutschman at 840 E. Angeles Blvd Big Bear City California 92314 Papa Smurf 909-800-7028 and Mountain Mama 909-800-7029
I am a trail angel in Tehachapi
From: Michael Puffer Subject: Add me Message Body: I am a trail angel in Tehachapi. Please add me to the list. 661-972-7943 prefer to be contacted by text at that number
Big Bear Hostel Free laundry, loaner clothes, WIFI, restaurant discounts, easy shuttles back to trail
From: Grayson McNeill <[email protected]> Subject: Big Bear Hostel add to list Message Body: You just have our website. please update and add: Big Bear Hostel 527 Knickerbocker Rd, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 (909) 866-8900 Free laundry, loaner clothes, WIFI, restaurant discounts, easy shuttles back to trail in morning. Hosting hikers since 2001!
Trail Angel in Tehachapi Rides and Packages/Resupply
From: Kelsy Subject: Pct trail angel list Message Body: My husband and I live in Tehachapi, near mile 566. Available for rides ANYTIME and can receive packages/resupplies if needed. Call or text me at 818-251-6893 -Kelsy
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